Wednesday 25 June 2008


Artist: Qawwali



The Sabri Brothers   
 The Sabri Brothers

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 4

Super Hit Qawwalies   
 Super Hit Qawwalies

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 9

Warsi Brothers vol. 2   
 Warsi Brothers vol. 2

Tracks: 7


Monday 16 June 2008

O'Neal Gets Candid About Drug Problems On Street Corner

A candid Tatum O'Neal staged an impromptu press conference on the streets of New York on Wednesday after she was cornered by cameramen and journalists quizzing her about her drug arrest. The embattled actress has been charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance after cops caught her exchanging money with a dealer three blocks from her home. But rather than run away from her problems, O'Neal chose to address the media members who followed her out of her home of Wednesday afternoon, and then stopped to chat with them as she waited on a street corner for a taxi. The 44-year-old said, "Every day is a great day if I'm not using," before insisting, "I have peace in my life, I made a mistake... I have a very good life. I made a bad mistake and unfortunately I'm well known and this is what happens." O'Neal also told the gathered press that she was attending a 12-step drug abuse program daily, adding "That's really helping." The actress concluded her 10 minute street corner chat by telling the media members, "It's an everyday struggle and you try to do the best that you can and some days, unfortunately, it doesn't pan out the way you'd like it too."

See Also

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Fox talks about Lost in the future

Actor Matthew Fox, who plays Jack in 'Lost', has been talking about what lies ahead in the series.
Speaking to the film website about his new thriller 'Vantage Point', Fox found the time to talk about 'Lost'.
Following the resolution of the writers' strike in the US, Fox said that he would be going back to shoot more episodes for the fourth series of 'Lost' this spring.
"We probably won't get all of the eight [episodes] we owe," said Fox, "but I'm sure we'll get five or six of them."
Fox remained coy on the development of his character, Jack, and whether he would become a hero or villain in the series.
He said: "I think the idea of hero or good guy, bad guy is sort of an antiquated notion in a lot of respects. I think it's more interesting to accept the complexity of all of us and hope that he makes heroic choices in very difficult circumstances."
He continued: "I really feel like 'Lost' and what I'm getting to do on that show is pretty complex, and it's evolving as well. (Jack) sort of started as this idea. Everybody wanted him to be this heroic guy, and actually, he's really flawed and the island is stripping away this deep compassion in him and bringing out a much darker side, so there's an evolution that's happening in the character that's always been important to Damon [Lindelof, 'Lost' creator] and myself."
Of the fourth series, Fox said: "I think the fourth season will close those two moments of time of Jack in the future and Jack feeling like he's being rescued. The season will be about answering all those questions of who got off with him? Who's in the casket? Why does he want to go back, this guy of all people? Why is he suicidal and desperate to go back?"
In his interview with, Fox did offer a hint about the timeframe of the series, when asked how much time had passed on the island since the aeroplane crash.
He said: "If you're going to talk about from Jack in the plane crash to Jack in the future, that's about a year-and-a-half, and Jack on the island now would be about 120 days."
For more on 'Lost', read our blog here.
Visit the show's website here.